Are you ready to buy
your first home?

First Home Buyers

What schemes apply to you? Find out what grants and assistance you can receive here


Are you ready to buy
your first home?

How do I know it’s time?

That being said, there are some areas where you might need to consult a solicitor—such as in writing a will, if you haven’t done it already, or if an issue arose where you’d need to go to court, you would need a solicitor to act on your behalf. But the chances of that happening are incredibly minimal. With more than 20 years of experience, we’ve never had to deal with that issue yet!

But there’s one thing standing between you and the feeling you know you’ll get when you first walk through that front door and say “This is my home”. It comes in the shape of a mountain of paperwork, legislation and complicated financial STUFF that no amount of school (or advice from the parents) could possibly prepare you for.

We promise, you’re not the first to feel this way and it definitely doesn’t have to be your experience!

First Home Buyers

What schemes apply to you? Find out what grants and assistance you can receive here

How do I know it’s time?

That being said, there are some areas where you might need to consult a solicitor—such as in writing a will, if you haven’t done it already, or if an issue arose where you’d need to go to court, you would need a solicitor to act on your behalf. But the chances of that happening are incredibly minimal. With more than 20 years of experience, we’ve never had to deal with that issue yet!

But there’s one thing standing between you and the feeling you know you’ll get when you first walk through that front door and say “This is my home”. It comes in the shape of a mountain of paperwork, legislation and complicated financial STUFF that no amount of school (or advice from the parents) could possibly prepare you for.

We promise, you’re not the first to feel this way and it definitely doesn’t have to be your experience!

We’ll Walk You Through It All

Consider Impero Conveyancing as the team that’ll get you through this first monumental purchase you’re about to make. And we’ll do it with a smile, a cheer and hopefully a lot of laughs when you get to experience that moment of arriving in your new home.

Because we’re big believers in celebrating this time of your life… buying your first home is a big deal! So the last thing we want is for you to feel frazzled and frustrated as you go through this process.

We’ll decipher all the paperwork, translate all that tricky legislation so you know exactly what it all means, and simplify everything so you don’t have to puzzle over a sentence for four hours instead of choosing paint colours and new furniture to fill your future home with.

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of our previous first time buyers had to say!

Ready to take the leap into owning property?